August 13, 2017 at 4:54 pm
A 5.5 mile walk starting and ending in Doynton
This walk started from the car park of the sadly closed pub in Doynton and went through woods and fields before skirting Dyrham Park and heading back to Doynton. The steep hills were well worth the effort as, combined with glorious weather, the reward was far reaching views stretching as far as the Severn bridge.

February 14, 2016 at 3:15 pm
A circular walk north of Bath starting and ending at Lansdown park-and-ride.
The walk started from Lansdown Park and Ride, through the race course and on through the battlefields. It then skirted Pipley Woods before heading for Prospect Stile with clear views beyond Kelston Roundhill. Although there was a biting wind at times it was a lovely clear, sunny day which gave views across Bristol to South Wales (just) and the Second Severn Crossing.

Kelston Round Hill

The Battle of Lansdown – battle marker and information display

cold winter valley
Animal highlight of the day – a shaggy roe deer:

male roe deer

Pipley Wood

Mud, mud, glorious mud ..
A picnic stop with views of Bristol, the Severn Crossing and the Welsh mountains (just!)

Bristol flypast
If you are in need of refreshment the Blathwayt Arms is the nearest pub

The Blathwayt Arms
November 9, 2015 at 8:04 am
From the centre of Bath out to the Cotswolds countryside and back again.
This was very much a Town and Country walk with plenty of hills thrown in for good measure. The walk started from Victoria Park and went up through the north side of the city via St James Square and Lansdown Crescent. A brief stop at St Stephen’s Millenium Green and allotments before proceeding through Fairfield Park and into the parish of Charlcombe. A rest in the parish church grounds before returning via Primrose Hill and the Cotswold Way to the Royal Crescent. Sadly it was somewhat misty but the views across the city still inspired.

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