Box – 6.3.16

March 7, 2016 at 10:07 am

Box and Ditteridge

This lovely walk from Box went through the delightful hamlet of Ditteridge with its attractive Norman Church of St Christopher. It was then northward up hill and down dale towards Colerne before turning south and back to Box. The snowdrops and daffodils were in abundance and even the odd bluebell was in flower. The lambs were enjoying the spring weather and a smallholding had a good stock of feathered friends – including Indian runner ducks and a very handsome turkey.

Box map

5.34 mile walk starting and ending at Box car-park.

Walkmeter Map

The rolling hills of Wiltshire in March – still wintry but there are signs of spring life if you look hard enough



These lovely little wooden bridges are a common site in the woods

Animal highlights of the day:


new generation 🙂



Indian Running Ducks



A very impressive turkey



lovely big fat pig