August 21, 2016 at 2:31 pm
An approximately 5 mile walk starting and ending near Odd Down Park-and-Ride. This walk started from Odd Down Football Club on a chilly August morning. After a short walk along Combe Hay Lane the tarmac was left behind for fields, woodland and brook side paths down to Dunkerton and back through Combe Hay. Although it was August there was still a surprising variety of wild flowers and the blackberries and sloes were ripening well. A varied walk which at times gave stunning views followed by tree lined paths in total shade.
(the walk does start and end at the same place – the football club carpark – I just forgot to set the tracker going straight away!)

August 19, 2016 at 10:13 am
As promised Bath Ramblings is proud to present our first fully featured walk with detailed instructions – a 5.84 mile circular walk of average difficulty and varied environments. Starting from Nunney Castle Car park this walk quickly left the village and Nunney Brook was soon reached. A gentle walk through fields, along country lanes and streamsides. The quarries give an added interest to a very pleasant, varied walk. Nunney is a 40 minute drive from Bath going via Radstock and you can park in Castle Car Park.

Route instructions:
Turn left at the café to Nunney Castle. (PHOTO 1) If you look over the wall you will see the working moat.

Nunney Castle
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