Hinton Blewett – 22.7.18

July 23, 2018 at 11:16 am

A nearly 6 mile walk starting and ending at the Ring O Bells pub in Hinton Blewett.

This circular walk started in Hinton Blewett on a gloriously warm morning. The fields were brown and the mud had solidified which made for interesting walking. Fortunately there were also some shady lanes and wooded paths. The walk went through the lovely little village of Litton where the reservoirs provided a good lunch stop and the opportunity to watch the birds on the water.

Walkmeter Map

Gargoyle on St Mary’s Church in Litton

Hot sheep huddled in a shady corner

Buzzards gliding over the reservoir

Pine woods are less common than deciduous woods in this area so it was nice to walk through one for a change

Litton Reservoir

A family of diving ducks a little too far away to identify – could be Coots or Cormorants

An easily identifiable bottom

A familiar site – cows and bulls are generally harmless but can give you a stare that makes your blood run cold!

Some people do feel nervous when walking in fields with cattle.  Between 2000 and 2015 the Health and Safety Executive reported 74 human deaths in the UK caused by cattle.  56 of these were farm workers. Of the remainder 17 were accompanied by a dog and 17 were lone walkers.  So walking in a group with no dogs is very safe as long as you’re calm and sensible.  Here are some helpful tips from Countryfile to maximise safety:

  1. If you’re with a dog you should keep it on its lead, particularly during calving season. By law farmers are entitled to destroy any dog that injures or worries their animal.
  2. Stay well clear of calves, and resist temptation to pet them.
  3. If you feel threatened by a herd when you are with a dog, let go of its lead so you and it can get to safety seperately.
  4. Move in a careful, calm way, if you sense a threat, keep moving with your body facing the cow; don’t turn your back to the animal or run.
  5. Tell the landowner and highway authority about any attacks or frightening incidents and contact the Health & Safety Executive and Police if it’s of a serious nature.


Rolling hills and views for miles

The continuing heatwave has made the landscape look more Mediterranean than Somerset!